Insieme | Together

If we stand in solidarity as Europeans, we will defeat the virus. Together we all have the responsibility to prevent the spread of the virus. Together, we can also overcome the economic challenges posed by this crisis. The virus knows no borders. Our response to the virus should likewise know no borders.
In the space of a few days and weeks, coronavirus has changed the world entirely. Our most urgent task is to slow down the spread of it in such a way that the number of victims stays as low as possible. Throughout the entire EU, we will do absolutely everything we can to achieve this.
Some people have claimed globalisation is to blame. While it is true that a virus can spread faster when people are more mobile, equally at no point in our history have we been better equipped for this challenge than we are today – thanks to functioning global institutions such as the World Health Organisation, international networks in the field of cutting-edge research, and throug multilateral cooperation that extends beyond all political camps and systems.
“Together” is our most important watchword at the moment. Together we all have the responsibility to prevent the spread of the virus, by taking responsibility for each other as citizens, by placing short-term restrictions on our daily lives – and in doing so protecting the weakest among us above all. Together, we can also overcome the economic challenges posed by this crisis.
These restrictions also currently include closing borders within Europe. This might be a small building block in a range of measures aiming to reduce possible points of contact. And yet it would be a mistake to believe that nation states are able to meet global challenges successfully alone. The complete opposite is true:
The virus knows no borders. Our response to the virus should likewise know no borders. If we stand in solidarity as Europeans, we will defeat the virus – together.
Lars Castellucci, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Franziska Brantner, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)Angela Schirò, Camera dei Deputati (Italy)
Alessandro Fusacchia, Camera dei Deputati (Italy)Carmen Jeitler Cincelli, Nationalrat (Austria)
Stefan Schennach, Bundesrat (Austria)Fourat Ben Chikha, Senaat (Belgium)
Koen Metsu, Kamer van volksvertegenwoordigers (Belgium)Domagoj Hajduković, Hrvatski sabor (Croatia)
Vesna Pusic, Hrvatski sabor (Croatia)Marinos Sizopoulos, Βουλή των Αντιπροσώπων (Cyprus)
Jaroslav Bžoch, Poslanecká sněmovna (Czech Republic)
Vaclav Hampl, Senát (Czech Republic)Rasmus Nordqvist, Folketing (Denmark)
Indrek Saar, Riigikogu (Estonia)
Eva Biaudet, Eduskunta (Finland)
Johan Kvarnström, Eduskunta (Finland)Marietta Karamanli, Assemblée nationale (France)
Jean Luc Lagleize, Assemblée nationale (France)
Sebastian Nadot, Assemblée nationale (France)George Arvanitidis, Βουλή των Ελλήνων (Greece)
Dimitris Kairidis, Βουλή των Ελλήνων (Greece)István Ujhelyi, European Parliament (Hungary)
Agnes Vadai, Országgyűlés (Hungary)Brendan Howlin, Dáil Éireann (Ireland)
Vita Anda Terauda, Saeima (Latvia)
Jānis Vucāns, Saeima (Latvia)Justas Pankauskas, Lazdijų rajono savivaldybės taryba (Lithuania)
Dovile Sakaliene, Seimas (Lithuania)Sven Clement, Chambre des Députés (Luxembourg)
Paul Galles, Chambre des Députés (Luxembourg)Ryan Callus, House of Representatives (Malta)
Jesse Klaver, Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal (The Netherlands)
Robert Biedron, European Parliament (Poland)
Catarina Rocha Ferreira, Assembleia da República (Portugal)
Pedro Bacelar de Vasconcelos, Assembleia da República (Portugal)Marcel Ciolacu, Camera Deputaților (Romania)
Nicolae Daniel Popescu, Camera Deputaților (Romania)Michal Šimečka, European Parliament (Slovakia)
Ismael Cortés Gomez, Congreso de los Diputados (Spain)
Manuel Cruz Rodríguez, Senado de España (Spain)Thomas Hammerberg, Riksdagen (Sweden)
Supported by:
Doris Barnett, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Santiago José Castellà Surribas, Senado de España (Spain)
Boriss Cilevics, Saeima (Latvia)
Gabriela Cretu, Camera Deputaților (Romania)
Petra De Sutter, European Parliament (Belgium)
Nadia Giannakopoulou, Βουλή των Ελλήνων (Greece)
Josip Juratovic, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Lara Martinho, Assembleia da República (Portugal)
Attila Mesterhazy, Országgyűlés (Hungary)
Dietmar Nietan, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Lisa Paus, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Johannes Schraps, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Agnieszka Brugger, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Martin Rosemann, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Rasmus Andresen, European Parliament (Germany)
Massimo Ungaro, Camera dei Deputati (Italy)
Mathias Stein, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Dagmar Schmidt, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Nezahat Baradari, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Sylvia Lehmann, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Sonja Steffen, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Aydan Özoguz, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Laura Garavini, Senato della Repubblica (Italy)
Yasmin Fahimi, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Daniela Kolbe, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Udo Schiefner, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Eva Högl, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Barbara Hendricks, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Timon Gremmels, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Thomas Hitschler, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Bärbel Bas, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Falko Mohrs, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Katja Mast, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Birgit Sippel, European Parliament (Germany)
Detlev Pilger, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Joe Weingarten, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Gabriele Hiller-Ohm, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Ottmar von Holtz, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Stefan Schwartze, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Elisabeth Kaiser, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Gülistan Yüksel, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Gabriela Heinrich, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Constantinos Efstathiou, Βουλή των Αντιπροσώπων (Cyprus)
Marija Golubeva, Saeima (Latvia)
Metin Hakverdi, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Ivars Ijabs, European Parliament (Latvia)
Rob Jetten, Tweede Kamer Der Staten-Generaal (Netherlands)
Dace Ruksane-Scipcinska, Saeima (Latvia)
Cansel Kiziltepe, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Piero Fassino, Camera dei Deputati (Italy)
Susanne Zimmer, Folketinget (Denmark)
Uffe Elbæk, Folketinget (Denmark)
Matthias Höhn, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Kirsten Lühmann, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Sergey Lagodinsky, European Parliament (Germany)
Stefan Liebich, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Francesca La Marca, Camera dei Deputati (Italy)
Roderich Kiesewetter, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Gabriele Bischoff, European Parliament (Germany)
Brando Benifei, European Parliament (Italy)
Sven-Christian Kindler, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Marian Wendt, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Helin Evrim Sommer, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Róza Thun, European Parliament (Poland)
Susann Rüthrich, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Charlotte Schneidewind-Hartnagel, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Thomas Oppermann, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Nicolas Fink, Landtag von Baden-Württemberg (Germany)
Ulrike Bahr, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Gianluca Benamati, Camera dei Deputati (Italy)
Lucia Ciampi, Camera dei Deputati (Italy)
Luca Rizzo Nervo, Camera dei Deputati (Italy)
Karamba Diaby, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Sven Lefkowitz, Landtag Rheinland-Pfalz (Germany)
Natasa Vuckovic, Народна скупштина (Serbia)
Nihan Čolpa, Parlamentarna skupština Bosne i Hercegovine (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Liljana Popovska, Собрание на Република Северна Македонија (Republic of North Macedonia)
Debora Serracchiani, Camera dei Deputati (Italy)
Heike Baehrens, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Matthias Miersch, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
Miguel Matos, Assembleia da República (Portugal)
Alex Sobel, House of Commons (United Kingdom)
Maria Noichl, European Parliament (Germany)
Rumen Gechev, Народно събрание (Bulgaria)
Klaus Mindrup, Deutscher Bundestag (Germany)
If you’re a member of parliament in a European country, please sign our call for European solidarity!